HQ Christmas Party
I am not about to start complaining about life as a full-time author, but there are some things you miss out on…
I’m not taking about the practical things, like sick pay and holidays. I’m not even talking about having other people around, so that you don’t go full-Shining working at home on your own all day.
What I’m talking about is that fact that, working from home, all alone, there are no work social events. My office is an office of one. I have no colleagues to go out for after-work drinks with. No one to go out for lunch with. Worst of all… there is no work Christmas party.
That’s why I so appreciate the publisher parties that I get invited to, and the HQ Christmas party was no exception.
It was so wonderful, to see all my lovely author friends, and to make so many new ones. Plus, I never get tired of the view from the 17th floor of the News Building in London.
I’m already counting down the days until the next one.