Publication Day: The Meet Cute Method
It’s finally here! The publication day for The Meet Cute Method.
Now available in all formats, The Meet Cute Method follow Frankie as she tries to find out if you can still find love the old fashioned way – by meeting people in real life.
This book was so much fun to write because it allowed me to play with the tropes of the genre and pay tribute to some of my favourite romantic comedies.
Check out the blurb below:
Do movie romances ever happen in real life…?
Frankie doesn’t believe in true love. As relationships expert at popular magazine Stylife, she has learnt that dating disasters are far more common than happy ever afters.
So when she is tasked to find out if meet cutes can work in real life she is up for the challenge – but whether it’s being a damsel in distress with a flat tyre, or spilling coffee over a stranger, she isn’t convinced this can really lead to love.
But little does Frankie know that the ultimate meet cute opportunity is just around the corner. As she is whisked off her feet (all in the name of her work project of course…) perhaps true love isn’t just for the movies after all…?
Click here to pick up a copy from Amazon.